Arizona Edition - The Arizona State Prison-Yuma Complex is one of 13 state prisons operated by the Arizona Department of Corrections. It is east the City of San Luis and just a few miles north of the U.S. Mexico border. On a recent hot July morning, KAWC’s Stephanie Sanchez took a tour through the prison…(originally aired 08/05/14).
Note: For safety reasons, KAWC has been asked not to reveal the names of any prison guards or inmates interviewed.
When Laura Escapule first started her law enforcement career as a correctional officer in an Arizona state prison about 20 years ago, she didn’t plan on staying very long in the position. But throughout the years she worked her way up and is now the warden for the Arizona State Prison Complex in Yuma. In this extended conversation, KAWC’s Stephanie Sanchez takes a look into Warden Escapule’s career and the projects planned for the state prison near the U.S. border…
This piece was featured in the August 5th Arizona Edition. Other pieces featured in the show can be found below in the related content section.